
Friday, October 31, 2003

Wow. What a whirlwind.
Went to Chicago Wednesday with Don, just for the hell of it. Caught a meeting in Oak Park, and got a pizza. Meeting was good, pizza was bad. Jalapeno with meats. Tasted o.k.[thin crust sux], but I paid for it Thursday on the trip to St. Louis with Rhonda, Chris and Dale. What was the point of the St. L trip? I dunno, but we stopped by the Show Me RSO and blew 1200 bucks. Then to the Arch, where Ronnie, Chris and I stuffed ourselves into the tiny round elevator car and enjoyed a few nausiating few minutes at the top. The wind was blowing about 30 MPH, and the sway was just enough to make me woozy. We also stopped by Union Station and were intercepted by an addict named Gil who worked there at a Rock on/Beetles for sale shop, and he directed us to a meeting. Anyway, I had 3 painfull bowel movements during the trip and I didn't feel better till we got back in the van to head home.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Minimalist day.

I think I'll sing !!

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

o.k., I'll post. Erm.

* Water Drip*

Wow. It's dark in here. I'm scared.
Just got off Travy's site. I'm pissed at the system. Makes my head hurt.

Ah, Fuck it. Random link.


Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Welp, I need a part-time job. Theo's R.I has had a sign on their door for a week. Maybe I can just do 20-30 hrs/wk there. I'll try to pick up an app this afternoon. Gotta put front shocks on Johnnies Granada today also.

Am now sponsoring a female. Yes, she likes girls. She's pretty cool: positive attitude, has hope she can change. Clean 13 days off the street, followed Elizibeth in. She's like me in the way that I already believed that things really could be better when I got here. Step one will be tough. Tis difficult to be really let go of the the idea that you can keep yourself clean when your not in the middle of the shit-storm.

Eh. Waste your day HERE.

Friday, October 17, 2003

Julie B. passed this morning around 5:am, surrounded by family and friends. Lotsa NA folks were stopping by all day, even people I haven't seen in awhile. Still about 5 people there at 1:30am when we left to get Tiffany home. Terry called to let me know about 6:am. Arrangements pending.

"See ya later Julie"


Thursday, October 16, 2003

I haven't been updating. Not much to say.

Cubs dropped 3 in a row after leading the series 3-1, and are now out of the post season. I had forgotten that being a Cubs fan was more than just suffering losing teams. It's also being crushed when above average teams look like they are going to do something, then blow it in typical collapsing Cubs fashion. They really looked like prison bitches. {No Offense Travis}

Terrie called. Julie Bennett is back in the hospital. Critically low potassium levels again. The birthday party had been cancelled for this weekend. It seems her time might be really short. Called Tiffy. She's not working today, asked me if I'd go with her to see Julie. Guess I should go get dressed.

I don't know what to do.


Wednesday, October 15, 2003

O.k. Blogout is down again. It's outta here.
Blog speak gets a try.....

Friday, October 10, 2003

Today's Random Link.
Hey, look. If yer gonna be a tree hugger, learn something about trees. And maybe Korean.

Trees !

I believe the ringy server was just down for a day. I don't think I'll bitch because my free service isn't real reliable.

Jais, the Cubbies are very much alive. Tied with the Florida Marlins 1 game a piece in 7 game National League Championship Series. They won Wednesday 12-3 after losing the Tuesday game 10-8 or something. Take this best of 7, and the Cubs are in the fucking World Series.

Got Donald to Iowa City yesterday, and he got some good news. A new specialist can save his right eye, and maybe help to bring some back to his left one. He was pretty happy. He really likes his new Doc. Might take a year or 2 though.

God. I went to Yoga with Lisa and Tiffany last night. I'm a bit sore. Hate to see what I'd be like if I hadn't taken in about 2 gallons of water afterwards. I liked it though, got a lot out of it. Largly that I'm really unhappy that I've let myself get not only 20-30 lbs. too heavy, but in such bad shape..soft,stiff flabby little muscles.. But I am encouraged that almost in spite of myself I've began doing something to render me something I like more. It's only once a week, but maybe If I see improvement it will encourage me too put more effort into taking care of my physical self.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Hmm. No ringy-dingies. Me commenter is broke. I'll take a looky at it.
Ugh. I feel Yucky.
Cubs Beatdown Atlanta. Play in the NLCS starts tonight at Wrigley tonight, 7:05 CST against Florida.

Prediction: Cubs in 6.

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Oh, Yuck. I think I've got whooping cough. Or the Chinese monkey-fuck virus. Something. Runny itchy nose cough, sneeze body ache hollow head no energy life-is-on-hold kinda thing. I was down for several weeks just a month ago, so life ain't fair, and it's pissin' me off. At least I don't have the Hershey-squirts.

Cubs are still alive. Do-or-die against the Braves tonight, 6:30 central time on Fox. 5 game series is tied 2-2, with Kerry Wood starting on a full rest. Cubs as always this year, have to find a way to score more than 3 runs in a game. Mike Hampton goes for Atlanta, on 3 days rest.

Went to Cedar Rapids for a picnic style event. Sucked. Bugs...so many beetles.. maybe 15 peeps there. Was getting sick, napped in car. Ugh.

Random link.

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